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A beach visualisation


Quite surprisingly I found that using visualisation helped me no end.  It appeared that if I visualised walking on a beach in the sunshine it lifted my mood as if it had really happened.  The way this works is that your brain can't actually tell the difference between what you see and what you imagine.  Think about your favourite food, really concentrate on it, are you hungry now?  People have been known to increase their fitness simply by visualising going for a run and others have beaten cancer by visualising spaceships attacking the cancer cells.


In visualising a sunny day I believe it is possible to fool yourself into believing you have actually experienced one.


Follow this recorded visualisation and see if it helps you.

Find a place and time where you won’t be disturbed for at least 30 minutes.  Turn your phone off and close any doors.

Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands gently resting in your lap.  Make sure you will be warm, wrap yourself in a blanket if needs be.

Click here to take a gentle walk along the beach.

© 2014 by Heather Hudson. Proudly created with

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor, I have no qualifications or training in medicine.  This information is purely an opinion therefore I urge you to do your own research and speak to your doctor before trying anything that is suggested in this website.  It is your health and your responsibility.

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